Anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg
Anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg

anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg

  • Mercy Kill: Players can attempt to limit themselves to this as much as possible.
  • Individual ones may not particularly enjoy what they do, but they sure get the job done.
  • Ironic Hell: The game is this for Kindly shrouds.
  • Invisibility: Shrouds can make themselves invisible whenever they feel like it.
  • Intangibility: Shrouds are incorporeal unless they choose not to be.
  • Identity Amnesia: All shrouds to an extent, but The Lost have this the worst.
  • High Turnover Rate: If your character is upset or horrified at being turned into a shroud, at least they probably won't be one for very long.
  • anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg

    Players can also choose to have their shroud superficially resemble a grim reaper.

  • The Grim Reaper: Players have to murder humans in order to continue existing and to ensure that the world doesn't become catastrophically overpopulated.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: All shrouds have wings.
  • Ghostly Chill: Often the only indicator that a shroud is near.
  • anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg

  • Full-Body Disguise: Shrouds can disguise themselves as humans, but it's difficult and being touched by a human destroys the effect.
  • Flight: All shrouds have the ability to fly.
  • Everyone Has Standards: All shrouds have a type of person that they're particularly averse to killing.
  • If a shroud's primary dominion is Despair then it means that their husk committed suicide. If a human's will drops to 0, they become suicidal.
  • Driven to Suicide: Shrouds with the Despair dominion can decrease a target's will.
  • In fact, if a player stops being this, other shrouds will annihilate them.
  • Determinator: The Balance and shrouds.
  • Death of a Child: Many of your victims can be children.
  • Came Back Strong: Shrouds are much stronger and faster than they were in life.
  • Call a Hit Point a "Smeerp": You don't have "hit points", you have "anathema".
  • All that they know about their husks is that they were average people.
  • Black-and-Gray Morality: Either meet a daily murder quota or let the Earth and all of humanity die a slow, horrible death.
  • So, you have a wide variety of powers at your disposal and the one you're best at is whichever one is the most similar to what killed your husk, meaning that you get to spend your unlife making people suffer the same way that you did. A shroud's primary dominion is determined by how they died, but players are not limited to that dominion alone. These powers are divided into the dominions of war, misfortune, atrophy, famine, pestilence, and despair. Shrouds also wield a number of powers to help them carry out their grim task. These categories determine how a player gains and loses will, their motivations, and the way in which they are most likely to rebel against The Balance. Shrouds are divided into three broad categories (the Violent, the Lost, and the Kindly), based on what they were like in life. Well, that and stunning amounts of murder. A large part of the game stems from players finding (or not finding) ways to cope with the horrible things they have to do while holding on to (or letting go of) what remains of their humanity, as well as discovering their past and why The Balance chose them. New shrouds have very few memories of their life and some may have none at all. The human being that birthed a shroud is called a husk. This task is given to you by a mysterious force, known as "the Balance", which was also responsible for turning you into a shroud. How can you kill millions of people to serve the Balance while clinging to the tatters of your humanity?"

    Anima beyond fantasy rpg drivethrurpg